I have been doing yoga consistently for about 6 months and I have really enjoyed it. Most of the classes I attend are traditional, Iyengar style, and are slow-paced classes focusing on holding poses a bit longer and working on balance and endurance. I have thoroughly enjoyed these classes, as they have taught me to focus on my body posture, breathing, and simply helped me relax.
Lately, I have been feeling so out of control, unhealthy, and unmotivated- I need something more. So I have decided today that I am going to commit to a 30 day Bikram challenge. Bikram is sometimes called “Hot Yoga” to the rich people that do it to be trendy, but it is much more than a fad. Bikram focuses much more on strength and muscular fitness. It is a set series of 26 poses done in repetition. The 30 day challenge is just that- attending Bikram classes for 30 consecutive days. I feel I will benefit not only physically from this challenge, but also mentally. While it will be a tremendous commitment, I am looking forward to having control over something.
So, why start a blog? Well, I want to document my journey during the 30 day challenge. I want to be able to look back and reflect on my difficulties, success, and thought process throughout the 30 days. My wonderful friends Carrie and Sarah are going to be by my side through the challenge, as they are doing it as well. They are so supportive and I am so excited to go on this journey with them!
We are not doing it until April, so I still have a month to prepare. I am going to continue doing Iyengar classes, and probably ease-in to Bikram with classes 2-3 times a week. I won’t have much to write now, but once the challenge starts, I am going to journal every day.
Until April… Namaste.