About This Blog

It all began back in 2009 with the words of a crazy Indian man, Bikram Choudhury:

"It's never too late to start from scratch once again."

I started this blog to let friends and family follow me through a 60-day Bikram challenge....


...And has now morphed into the LAST thing I ever thought it would: a running blog.

I started running in December of 2010. Running had never been a big part of my life; it was mostly seen as a form of torture and humiliation. In a nutshell: one day I was very sad and needed something to make me happy, and running filled the void. Simple as that.

While I focus many of my entries on running, I write about a lot of random things. Sometimes about food. Sometimes about out of the blue fun things I do. Sometimes about strange things that happen. Sometimes I just ramble and make no sense. But, in general, it is all to follow the journey of finding myself and facing whatever challenges life throws my way.