Friday, March 25, 2011

Back to reality...

What a fantastic week! I love that I am so close with my parents and that we are truly friends, not just family. Mom and Dad loved Memphis, and we did so many amazing things! Riverboat ride, Zoo, Sun Studio, Beale St, Peabody ducks, you name it... Mom took tons of pictures (since my camera is broken, r.i.p.) so I will post some as she send them to me. It was so nice to share my life with them. I know they worry about me a lot... a new city, a new life, new challenges, and not exactly the easiest ride along the way. But I think they realized how happy I am here and that this is where I belong right now. Of course they want me to move closer to home, but I just need to keep following the path that I am meant to be on.

Dad left this quote on a sticky note on my bathroom mirror. I adore him.

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. [H.D.T., Walden]
So I definitely let myself go while they were here. I ate so much unhealthy food- we went out to eat pretty much every day, and I didn't hold back. But oh man, it was so yummy, and I really can't be mad at myself. I'm back on the WW train today and will get back into my usual healthy habits easily. But who can say no to the mac and cheese at Central BBQ?! And ice cream?! And homemade pizza!?

My running got extremely behind, and I am very upset with myself for this. Since I had the 5k on Sunday, I didn't get to run my usual long run, which should have been 9 miles. I was already a week behind because of that unfortunate loss to the 7 miler a few weeks back, so now I am 2 weeks behind in my training. Luckily, I had built in 2 weeks of flexibility just before the race. I can still increase 1 mile each week and hopefully be ready in time... I kinda had a moment of panic yesterday as I flipped through my planner and realized the race is only 5 weeks away... I got really worried that I will not be ready. I am still kinda anxious, but there is nothing I can do but keep trying, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and enjoy this challenge. Adding stress will not make it any easier. I want to run the whole 13.1 miles, and I am going to do everything in my power to make it to that goal, but I have to take it day by day and try to not put excessive pressure on myself. I will attempt the 8 mile run this Sunday and see how it goes from there. Wish me luck!

Oh! So, after the 5k this past Sunday, I got a free massage. How nice, right? HA! The woman butchered me. She beat me to a pulp. She used this rolling stick thing to rub out my leg muscles. It felt great on my hamstrings and calves and butt (oh yes, an ass massage, love it!)... however, when she got to my IT Bands, whooaaa nelly! She did my right side first (the side that is not hurting me) and she pushed really heard and it was pretty painful. So, when she had me roll over to do the left side, I told her to go easy. She did, but apparently not easy enough. The outside of both of my legs were so tender and so painful... they still hurt. And I have HUGE bruises all along the sides of my legs. It feels and looks terrible. Thanks, lady.

So, back to reality now. But my heart is so full of happiness these days, and my face has a constant smile...