Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let's make a plan

If you know me at all, you know I am a planner. So, while I have taken several days to mourn the lost dream of kicking @$$ at this marathon, it is now time to make a new plan of attack... because you better believe this wont be the end of my running days!

The advice has been streaming in, and I thank each and every one of you for your care and concern. I think I have pieced together a plan of action...

1) No running for the next 5 weeks. None at all. No impact, no pounding, no "oh maybe I will just go for a short little 6-miler today..." No. Nada.
2) I am going to be the cross-training DIVA for the next 5 weeks. Spin, Bikram, swimming, weights, stretching, etc. I am going to work out 6 days a week, stay in shape, work on my entire body, and take time to heal. 
3) Live my life as if I were still in 100% marathon training mode. Eat well, get rest, and focus on my overall well-being.
4) Come race day.... YES, I will participate in the marathon. NO, I will not wimp out and just do the 1/2 marathon. YES, I will cross the finish line, get the medal, and cry my eyes out when I see all of the St Jude children cheering. NO, I will not run the entire race. YES, I will run, but only within my comfort zone...
-Slow, steady pace.
-Walk through all water stops.
5) It is ok if I finish in 5 hours, or 6, or even 7. It is ok. I will just keep telling myself... it is ok.
6) I will not do anything to risk seriously injuring myself and dragging this frustration and pain out any longer. I promise, I will take care of myself and listen to my body. Even though all I want to do is tell my ankles to STFU, I will not.
7) Once I am healed, and not until then, I will pick another marathon to run. If I pick one now, I will worry about getting into step with a training program, push myself, and potentially not give myself the adequate time to heal. So, once I am better, THEN I will register for my next marathon.
8) Next time around, I will increase my mileage MUCH slower. 
9) Next time around, I will cross train like it's my job.
10) I will accept the fact that this did not go as planned, I will let myself be sad, but once that is done with, I will pick myself up, be proud, and move on.

I will not give up.