Day 2 went quite well. I did feel slightly discouraged, but not because of the Bikram. I was discouraged about myself and my body. I was discouraged that I have let myself get to this point- to this weight, to this lack of flexibility, and to this unhealthy of a state. Granted, I know I am more healthy than most people out there, but I am still not happy with where I am at. I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was disgusted with what I saw looking back at me. I am determined to make this positive change in my life and turn this discouragement into motivation.
No sitting out this time- I did all postures, though many with adaptations. My nemesis is the fixed firm pose:
While it doesnt LOOK that hard, I seem to find this posture the most challenging. I cant even sit with my legs in that position, let alone lay back. My adaptation currently is to just get compfortable sitting with my legs in that position, but it hurts my thighs and ankles tremendously. I am determined to become better at this posture over the next 27 days. I am going to push myself very hard on this one- not too hard, but hard enough.
I wore the most awful pair of running shorts ever. Lesson learned.
My body is tired, but not sore. It is aware of the changes taking place, but not hurting me in any way. I am interested to see if the pain will come.