Bengal tiger strength!!!!
Yesterday was amazing. Absolutely amazing. I had such a wonderful class, and I am still smiling about it. I went in with a positive attitude and determination to push myself as hard as I could. I did very well on each posture- even the ones that usuall give me trouble. I was able to do a full tree on the second set!

I am so proud of how I allowed my mind to take over and push away those negative thoughts that were filling me with doubt yesterday.
Also, Sandra noticed my struggle with the fixed firm posture (the one I mentioned and pictured yesterday- my nemesis!), and she took a moment to help me- she is always very reinforcing and positive, and only offers minimal advice, so I was so thankful she took the moment to advise me. She even said "You WILL get that after these 30 days, Amy!" I was so grateful for her help!
I am feeling amazing today. Again, my body feels a bit fatigued, but my heart is feeling full and alive. I am in love with Bikram, and it has only been 3 days.