As far as the session last night- yuck. It was not good. I was really tired. I was starving, so my stomach kept growling and I would get dizzy very easily. Also, there was this guy that was fantastic standing right in front of me, so every time I looked into the mirror, all I saw was his perfect posture. I wasn't necessarily comparing myself or jealous, it was just very distracting to see him being able to complete each posture with such ease. I think if he had been beside me and not in my constant direct line of vision, it would have been more of a motivation and less of a distraction. It was excessively hot in the studio also. I mean, yes, it is supposed to be hot, but yesterday the heat really got to me. There was a large group there yesterday which probably contributed to the heat- Sandra kept having to adjust the humidifier and open the studio doors to let fresh cool air in. Also, I was an idiot and knocked over my water bottle with about 15 minutes left in the class. Sweet.
As bad as day 4 was, I am not discouraged. Not ever day can be perfect. It is days like these when I appreciate what I am capable of, and look forward to better days.

The posture above, toe stand pose, was one of my happy moments during this session. I can usually get in to it OK (with my hands on the ground, I cannot yet lift my hands to my heart center), but when I attempt to get up from it- which you are meant to do in a very specific way- I usually fall over. But yesterday, I managed to get out of it correctly. It was a bit... UNgraceful, but I did it, nonetheless. Also, I was able to lay back on my elbows in fixed firm- Sandra's adjustments on Day 3 really helped. Slowly getting there!
I have today off. The studio I am going to does not have an evening Friday session and I have to work until 5. So I get today off. I am both sad and happy about this. I am sad because I have ultimately really been enjoying this challenge and looking forward to these 90 minutes of each day. But I am happy because I am looking forward to an evening of relaxing and getting a ton of rest. However, to make up for missing Friday, I am going to TWO classes tomorrow: 8:30am and 3:30pm. THAT should be interesting... wish me luck!