I’m knee deep in the Master Cleanse. I have done it before, but I did it pretty half-assed and didn’t give it my all. This time around, I am much more committed and focused. And… I FEEL WONDERFUL!
Say what you will about the Master Cleanse, good or bad- your opinion is always appreciated. There are pros and cons to any challenge you face in life. I chose to do the Master Cleanse to rid my body of the gunk it has accumulated over 26 years, and to bolster my will power. Through this adventure, I have found that I am capable of mind over matter. I so often set my mind to something, then back out when it gets too tough. The psychological battle that accompanies this cleanse is tremendous, and I am extremely proud of myself for getting this far.
No, it is not a diet; I am not, in any way, doing this to lose weight. While others may choose to use this as a weight loss method, I don’t think it is a safe or effective way to shed a few pounds. I already eat a very healthy diet, consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Yea, from time to time I will splurge and eat 4 pieces of pizza in 1 sitting, or devour an entire bag of goldfish in a matter of minutes, but who doesn’t? I do not eat meat; I have been a vegetarian for nearly 2 years now, and it is one of the best changes I have made in my life. So while I already eat healthy more often than not, I still believe my body would benefit from a cleanse. And I believe it has.
Doing this cleanse has made me think critically about my commitment to the 30 day Bikram challenge. There will be times when I am supported by my friends and family, and there will be times when people are telling me I am insane for making this choice. There will be times when I am alone and needing external support, but I will have to look within to find the power to push forward. There will be times when I myself am wondering if I have made the right choice and if it would be easier to just quit. On the contrary, there will be times when I am feeling amazing, and I have to remember to not let the comments of others bring me down. I am doing this for ME. I am not doing this for anyone else. I am unbelievably lucky to have friends choosing to face the challenge as well, but I am not doing this for them. This is about me. This is one time I am allowed to be selfish.
I am looking forward to April with such determination and enthusiasm!
(Thank you, Carrie, for your amazing support during this past week. I love you!)