On Sunday, Sarah and I went to visit the Bikram studio where will be doing our challenge, and we met with the owner, who is also an instructor- Sandra. She was wonderful and so supportive of our determination to get started, especially since neither of us have done Bikram before. A class was just ending as we got there, and we got a great view of what to expect: sweat, sweat, heat, stink, sweat, heat, stink, and heat. There was a tremendously diverse group of people in the class, someone from all walks of life: tall and short, thick and thin, old and young, men and women. I love that this practice can bring such a diverse population together to a common goal. There was a chart on the wall of people who were pursuing 30, 60 and even 90 day challenges. That feel of camaraderie is amazing to me—in a “sport” that is so personal and internal, it is nice to see that sense of support from the group.
Visiting the studio made our forthcoming challenge more realistic than it has been thus far. It was both invigorating and intimidating.
My mind switches daily when it comes to which aspect of this challenge will be hardest for me…
Some days I think the commitment will be the most difficult. However, I know that I will do this, and while other aspects of my life may have to take a back seat (it is hard for a control-freak like me to let go a little), I am determined to commit wholeheartedly. So, while this is a potential challenge, I feel I will be the most successful in this area.
Some days I think the mental challenge will be unbearable. I can tell myself to not compare my capabilities to those of others, but it is easier said than done. When you are standing right next to someone who can do something much better than you, it is very hard to push that thought out of your mind. I want to be the best I can be, but sometimes I confuse that with the best that others can be. I read a quote on another 30 day challenge blog that will help me here: “accept yourself: however you are today is how you are.” I am going to have to write that in sharpie on my yoga mat.
Some days I am extremely worried (and a bit scared) about the physical aspect of this commitment. I am healthy and fit, yes, I know… but not as healthy and fit as I would like to be. I am going to be so sore. Also, I am extremely inflexible and have very tight hips and hamstrings. I have seen in other yoga/pilates classes that some poses that seem easy are extremely painful for me to even attempt. I know that flexibility will come with time, and that in the meanwhile I must not push myself to the point of pain, but that is hard for me to accept. I almost have a 4-year-old’s mentality on this: I want it, and I want it now. I must be patient.
All of these fears are assuaged with the reminder of the benefits of what I am about to do. I have read about the benefits of Bikram on the internet and have learned from others, but there was a pamphlet at the studio that I picked that listed benefits of Bikram. I thought I would share that with everyone so you can know as well:
1) Increased flexibility
2) Increased energy and strength
3) Improved muscle tone
4) Relieve back pain
5) Increased cell renewal
6) Clean pores
7) Accelerated injury recovery
8) Regulate appetite
9) Healthy weight loss
10) Increased blood circulation
11) Relieve arthritis
12) Increased lung capacity
13) Revitalizes nerves
14) Make new friends
15) Detox liver and kidneys
16) Improve thyroid function
17) Aid digestion
18) Improve joint mobility
19) Overall sense of well being
20) Relax and sleep more soundly
21) Improve discipline
22) Greater level of patience
23) Disperse negativity
24) Improve mental clarity
25) Balance hormones
26) A body that defies your age
When I read through this list of benefits, I am filled with determination and joy. It may sound silly, but this truly is a life-changing event. I can’t wait.