Last night, I got in my car to leave class. I put my iPod on shuffle. My windows were down so it was a bit windy and loud, so I couldnt really hear the music- I missed a song or two. When I got myself situated, I turned the volume up and was finally able to hear what was playing- it was When You Come Back Down by Nickle Creek. It was at the very beginning, cued up to the lyric "you've got to chase a dream, one that's all your own, before it slips away."
Class yesterday was lovely. Absolutely wonderful. It was a very small class, which I enjoy. For some reason, everyone chose to pay their mats in the back row (the studio has room for 2 rows, front and back) but I really like the front row (I dont wear my glasses or contacts because sweat gets in my eyes so much, so I cant see myself well enough in the mirror to balance if I am in the back row!), so I was the only one in the front. It was like I had a class all of my own. Nobody on either side of me- I was 100% free from distractions, 100% able to focus on myself. I did well. I felt wonderful. I had fun.
My hamstrings are still terribly unflexible and stiff- getting better, but still extremely stiff. I modify several postures to focus primarily on the building blocks of getting into the full posture- "strong, locked legs, no knee, no bending, like a lamp post." Afterall "without the locked knee, you do not get the benefits of this posture- whether you do it 1% or 99%, you must lock the knee, lock the knee, lock the knee." I always struggle with the simple task of locking my knees- it hurts. It is getting much better, but several postures require specific focus to just lock my knees. Like this one: standing seperate leg stretching pose (below). My head is not even close to the gound. I am focusing 100% on getting my legs locked and comfortable. I am OK with where I am at, in both this posture and all others.