Saturday, April 17, 2010

20 in/ 10 out.

Saturday = 8:30am session = going to bed very early on a beautiful spring Friday night.

During the past 20 days, my social life has really been put on hold. I go to work, go to yoga, eat, and sleep. That's about it. As Brandon came home from a fun night out with friends at 3am last night (err, this morning, I guess), I wondered if this social sacrifice has really been worth it. Immediately, I answered myself with a firm YES. Though I am missing out on some potentially fun times with the people I know here in Nashville, I dont regret choosing yoga over a social life. It isnt like I am really missing out on all that much anyway- I only have a handful of friends here that I enjoy spending time with, and those friends understand my priorities right now. So my social butterfly tendencies have had to take a back burner, I wouldnt trade this experience for the world. (And at the risk of sounding way too old for my age- I dont miss the hang overs.)

I have really enjoyed the past few days of Bikram. Again, this morning was spectacular. I started out a bit slow and sleepy, not sure I would be able to make it through the whole class without sitting out a pose or two. I would say to myself "Just get through this one, then you can sit the next out." But then I realized that by planning to sit out, I was only setting myself up to fail. So I gave myself a quick 5 second mental pep-talk- "You can do this. You have done this for 19 days in a row. You dont NEED to sit out, you dont NEED to take a break. You CAN do this!" And I did. And not only did I complete the class without sitting out, I had a killer cobra series. My locust was the best it has been thus far.

On a random note, I realized that I hold a lot of tension in my face. Every time I caught my eye in the mirror, I was squinching my eyes or creasing my forehead- not out of strain or from holding my breath (I have actually done a great job of breathing correctly and not straining during postures), but I guess I just tend to hold stress or tension in my face. I focused a lot on relaxing my face during the last 30 min of the class- after all, I dont want wrinkles, do I!?

Now I get to go to the Earth Day Festival and see Bela Fleck- what a beautiful Saturday!