So one thing was a bit strange about todays session. Now let me preface this antidote- I have done a tremendous job of focusing my attention and energy on myself during class. I have done a great job of pushing the abilities of others out of my mind and focusing on what I am doing. Today, however, there was a distraction I could not overcome. The woman next to me was moaning, groaning, making orgasm noises with every exhale. Mmmmmhhhhhhaaa, oooohhhhhh, yeaaaaaaaa, mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhh.... Seriously? The first time she did it, I looked over thinking maybe she had fallen and was making a concerned moan. But alas, no, she was actually making orgasm noises with each exhale. It was like someone had a porn on in the background. I giggled a bit to myself at first, but after about 15 minutes of her sexual groaning, I started getting a bit irked. She would take a deep inhale, hold her breath or 5-6 seconds, then exhale with a tremendous "mmmmmhhhhhhhuuuuu." Wow. She even started doing it during savasana towards the end. Yea, thats hard to ignore.
Another random thing- my arms and legs kept falling asleep and getting tingly today. I think it was because I was not hydrated enough. I barely drank any water yesterday (as I was too busy laying on a blanket in the sunshine listening to Bela) and though I dont know the actual physiological connection, I think that may have caused this strange tingling sensation. Who knows.
My hamstrings were KILLING me when I woke up this morning; I guess I pushed myself further than I thought yesterday. It is a good feeling though, because I know they are on their way to healing. It made several postures a bit harder today because it would kind of hurt to lock my standing leg. But I did the best I could without causing too much pain. Two of the postures that I have been really pushing myself in that stretches my hamstrings a lot are hands to feet (below; "you look like a japanese ham sandwich from the side, no gaps anywhere") and standing separate leg stretching pose (picture a few entries below). The combination of these two have helped me strengthen my hamstrings a lot, which will help in postures that require a locked knee.

Kate was teaching today. She kept repeating the phrase "just be" during each posture. I liked it.