We had a guest instructor today because Sandra is out of town for the Easter holiday weekend. He is from Jacksonville, FL, and I really enjoyed his sessions. He has a very calm, soothing, deep voice, and he was extremely motivating. He walked around the room (whereas Sandra usually stays on her platform) which at times made me a bit distracted, but it made me feel much more connected with him. I enjoyed having a different instructor and mixing it up a bit- I look forward to another session with him tomorrow.
He kept saying: Breath, Form, Depth- first comes your breathing, then the form of the posture, then pushing yourself deeper. This guide helped me tremendously, as I have mentioned my struggle with breathing correctly. Also, sometimes I strive to push myself so hard that I begin to lose form. In Bikram, form is essential. I will carry this idea with me.
Nothing was outstanding today, but nothing was awful. I am feeling much more comfortable with the heat. I vary in my abilities from day to day. Some days I am spot on in a posture, and then the next I am falling out of it. I must begin to focus a bit more. I get so distracted during my sessions- my mind is always off somewhere else. I need to bring my mind to the present and focus on my breathing and the postures- the rest of life can wait for 90 minutes.
Fixed firm is no longer my nemesis. Yes, I still struggle with it, but I am seeing just the slightest improvement, and I know I am capable of getting to a comfortable place with this posture. My new enemy: Standing Head To Knee

In order to set up this pose correctly, you MUST lock your standing leg. I cant even do this! It hurts my hamstrings so much to even lock my knee that I can barely even begin the posture. I never kick out, I simply stand on my trunk leg and hold my other leg up the air, as pictured below- struggling to balance and keep my leg straight and knee locked.

I am completely exhausted now. 180 minutes of heat and pushing my body as far as it will go. Time to relax. Tomorrow will mark 1 week in. I know I have already come so far and my technique has improved tremendously, but I still have so far to go....