Monday, April 5, 2010
7 in/ 23 out
Yesterday marked the first full completed week! I went in with the mindset that it was going to be a wonderful session, and it was. I felt great. I was focused, strong, and I challenged myself. I can tell I pushed myself a bit harder yesterday- my body is exhausted. Again, not in pain, just... healing.
I dont like locust. It hurts my arms, I dont like having my face mushed into the towel, and I simply cannot do it. Sandra always says to move my weight into my shoulders, but I dont know how to do this. I can barely get my legs an inch off the ground. I can do each leg seperately during the "warm up" to this full posture, but once I have to extend both legs, my body doesnt agree. It doesnt hurt, I just cant do it. Any tips or pointers on promoting movement and extension in this posture, I am open to suggestions.