One day without Bikram and it was rough getting back into it. My body doesnt usually have time to get sore since I practice every day. But missing Sunday allowed my body to feel the effects of my Saturday morning session. As I have mentioned, it isnt a painful, unbearable, cant-walk sore. It is a good sore. I am aware of my body and muscles, and I can feel the strength I am gaining. It is a good sore, I enjoy it. Nonetheless, it makes the next session a tiny bit harder. I still did well and pushed myself. I have been trying really hard to push myself as much as I can lately. Not to the point of pain or frustration, but just trying to give 110% effort at all times.
My balance is not great. I wobble a lot. I mean, I have always been a terribly clumsy person, but I was never so aware of my lack of balance. During the balancing series, I am all over the place. I am constantly swaying, re-centering myself, and feeling my balancing foot switching for toe pressure to heel pressure to left side pressure and so on.
I love camel pose. It makes me feel so good. I enjoy the feeling that rushes through my body during the savasana after this posture. I love the feeling of vulnerability I have in this pose- I love it because it is the one place, the one time when I am OK with feeling completely vulnerable and open to the world.