So if you havent heard by now, I am moving to Memphis. Brandon got into UT Memphis. He found out about 4 weeks ago- and it started yesterday. So needless to say, we were rushed for time, and I was rushed to make a huge life decision. The next day, I actually got a job interview at UT Memphis also. So we packed up and went over for 2 days. My interview went fantastic and we found a great potential place to live. Before I knew it, a decision was made. The past 4 weeks have been a blur of activity. I got the job. We got the apartment. We are moving. Together. I am kinda freaking out.
We got into our new apartment this past weekend. It is perfect. I love it. So clean, so bright and full of natural light, in a great part of town, and it already feels like home. The city... well, lets just hope it grows on me.
Brandon, like I said, started school yesterday. He is going to be in the MA of Pharmacology (no, not to be a pharmacist) program- it is basically a 1 year feed-in program to their medical school. I am excited for him. I know he is a bit let down that he didnt get into med school straight away, but you must follow the path that you are given.
I start my job this coming monday, the 12th. I am a nervous wreck. I am psyched, but I am so nervous also.
We got into our new apartment this past weekend. It is perfect. I love it. So clean, so bright and full of natural light, in a great part of town, and it already feels like home. The city... well, lets just hope it grows on me.

I start my job this coming monday, the 12th. I am a nervous wreck. I am psyched, but I am so nervous also.
I have wanted to leave Nashville for a long time. I have had some pretty rough times in this city, and no matter what, it will always be associated with these negative happenings. Nonetheless, staring my departure in the eyes and only having 2 days left here is making me a bit sad. I am mostly going to miss my job. Well, not the job itself, this job is complete crap. But the people are amazing. I am really going to miss them. As for you, Nashville, not so sure I will miss you that much.
So there ya go. Memphis, here I come...
Anyway, that is complete in-a-nutshell update on my crazy life. On the positive side- Memphis has a great Bikram studio, and I am psyched to get involved. I probably will have to take a break for a while due to financial reasons, but once I get back on my feet in a month or two, I will be beyond excited to become a part of that community.