Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, my "bikram will overcome all financial issues" mentality was smushed like a bug on a windshield. Rent took a big bite. Then I had to order books for class. I forgot about that. Yikes. That took my bikram money, plus some. Soooooo unfortunately, once again, I am like the kid looking in the window at the pet store. I want it so badly, but it just cant work out right now. So I wait... and wait... and wait. I have applied for a few random part time jobs... some therapy here, babysitting there, really whatever I can get my hands on without overwhelming myself. Just hoping to make ends meet one of these days. Unfortunately nothing is really amounting to anything. I guess I just need to be patient.

Classes started yesterday and I am shocked at how much I missed being a student. (Not talking about the thesis, here. Just being a student.) I love learning, especially about things I am passionate about. I am really looking forward to the semester.

I am heading back to Nashville this weekend to visit a friend that is flying in from Portland. I havent seen her in 6 years. I love that I am able to keep in touch with friends over such distance and time. I am excited to be with a friend. And I am excited to get back to Nashville. I kinda miss it... oddly enough. I guess that is a good thing though- perhaps a sign that I am on my way towards "remember to good, forget the bad." Let's hope so.

Summer is slowly (and I really mean that... ssslllooowwwlllyyyy) turning to fall, and it makes me smile. We still have random days that make even a walk to the mailbox a miserable challenge, but for the most part, the days are becoming more tolerable. I am excited for the fall weather- I think I will enjoy the city much more when I can spend some time outside. I am really missing the outdoors and mountains lately...

Manchester, VT

Asheville, NC