I am a nice person. I pay my taxes, I yield to pedestrians, I donate money to good causes, I recycle, and I smile at everyone I meet.
Why, tell me WHY, then, do you insist on making my life a sh*t show? Ever since I got here, you have thrown me one curve ball after another. When will you realize I am a good person and you should just let me be happy? Time and time again, I am promised wonderful things, only to have my high hopes smashed. I believe in Karma, I do. And I want to know 1) what I did to make you treat me this way, or 2) when my good Karma is going to begin coming back around?
So, Memphis, with that, I beg of you- enough is enough. Just let me be happy. I, for some unknown reason, seem to love you unconditionally, yet you keep hurting me. Enough already.