Saturday, December 25, 2010

May your days be merry and bright!

Merry Christmas, friends!

I had a beautiful day today; it was perfect! Nora loved her gifts, as did everyone else. We laughed, we cried (out of happiness!), we played, we ate too much, we napped, we laughed and played more, and we loved one another unconditionally. (And we only had 1 fight, I think that is a family record!)

And I ran. Christmas eve and day. Whoohoo! Way to stay on schedule!

With the many things that had the potential to weigh on my mind these past 2 days and get me down, I submerged myself in the love I feel for my dysfunctional, argumentative, insane, neurotic family, and I have enjoyed every second of my time.

I hope you all had a beautiful day and are going to bed with a full belly, a full heart, and some cool new toys =)

Love, love, love.