Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Many firsts, and the first of many...

Today's run brought many new things my way...

-My first major cramp. In my abdomen. Awful stitch. I am confident this is because I haven't had much water to drink over the past few days (cookies and hot chocolate are much yummier during the holidays...) and I was slightly dehydrated. Wow, it was awful. Lesson learned- drink drink drink.

-My first music-free run. My iPod died after about 3 minutes. Silence. Nothing but me and my thoughts. At first I was terrified- worried that it would mess up my pace and I would lose the fun motivation of my favorite songs. Surprisingly, I enjoyed it. I am timid to let myself get lost with my thoughts (denial is a wonderful thing) but perhaps I am looking at it the wrong way. Maybe the silence and personal therapy session is just what I need.

-My first experience with rubbing. I don't care if it is TMI- but man alive, my underwear were NOT having it today. Rub rub itch rub OUCH. Hello. Not fun. Enough said.

-My first experience with hills. I knew I couldn't (and shouldn't) avoid them any longer, and doing so would only hurt me in the long run. I am still at my parents' house, so I ran around their neighborhood. No major hills, but more than the amazingly flat Memphis riverfront has to offer. Ok, hills, you win. I will get to be better friends with you eventually.

-My first feelings of doubt and fear. Lets actually turn this around with a positive spin for a moment and start out by saying...


...now back to the fear. So many things. The logistics of it, getting there, the insanity at the beginning of the race, will anyone be there with me, will I be alone, so nervous, so excited, what if I get hurt, what if I cant do it, it is so far, how long will it take me, freaking out, what if nobody is there to congratulate me, what if I fall, what if I give up, 13.1 miles, 13.1 miles, 13.1 miles, so nervous. CHILL OUT, AMY! YOU CAN DO THIS! Positive self talk overload is necessary right now! It will be fine. Yes, I will be nervous. Yes, this is going to be scary and a challenge. BUT THAT'S WHY I AM DOING IT! I am the only one that can stop myself from doing this, and I am the only one that can make myself do this. It is all up to me. Yikes.