Sunday, January 16, 2011

A blast from the past

Remember when AOL Instant Messenger was THE BIG THING? It seems like facebook, text messages, and fancy touch-screen phones have taken over. Well, "back in my day" we used good old AIM. I still get people saying, "Wow, you type so fast!" My response: All thanks to AIM!

Anyway, I logged on to AIM this morning randomly. I have NO idea why. (Ok that's a lie. It's because all of the friends that crashed at my house last night after a ridiculously fun night out are still asleep and I, the perpetual early riser, am bored.) So I checked my profile- yea, remember those?!- and I loved what I had written in there:

you've got to chase a dream, one that's all your own...

*scotland 04*



BWC 03-04

WCU 08

...and now i live in nashville, tn.

So just love, make mistakes, and have wonderful times, but never second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly, where it is you are going.


be young, be foolish, be happy

I had obviously just moved to Nashville when I last updated that. I look at how much my life has changed since then, and it blows my mind. I was so ambitious. I had so many goals in life, and I was determined to achieve them. I was on my way to the top.

Unfortunately, I chose a relationship over those goals. I let another person steal that ambition from me. I even had my graduate school mentor recently tell me that I had so much potential and I "woulda gone far," but I chose love instead. It really upset me to hear that, and it upsets me now as I look back on the person I once was. Nonetheless, I must remind myself every minute of every day that I am here for a reason. Life has lead me down this road on purpose. I have no idea why, and it really bothers me to say "everything happens for a reason," but that's all I have to lean on right now.

I knew where I was going. I had a dream. And I lost it. I think I need to find that dream once again. MY dream. I am sure I still have it tucked away inside me.... somewhere...