Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finding the strength...

I am a month in to my training, and I am doing pretty well. I am not doing anything terribly intense yet, but I am doing things I couldn't do a month ago, and that means a lot to me. I am running about 3 miles now, and while that doesn't sound very far, for me, it is. Let me remind you: I did not run, at all, before I began this training. Nada. None. Zero. Never. I despised it, in fact. And now, I can comfortably run 3 miles (in the cold, along Memphis city streets) and finish without wanting to pass out or lay in bed for a week from being so sore. That alone is a huge accomplishment.

I want to throw out a disclaimer here... No, I am not training for speed. I keep getting folks telling me I need to do sprints and run fast fast fast FAST! And while I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their tips, I will file them away for another day. My challenge is to run a 1/2 marathon; not to place in the top 10, not to run a consistent 7 minute mile, not to pass others in a blur of spandex and fury. I just want to finish. Even if it takes me 3 hours. I am consistently running at about a 10 minute mile pace, and I am perfectly happy with that. If speed comes with the rest of my training, that is fantastic. But it is not a goal of mine. Slow and steady, thats my motto here!

I am starting to get more into strength training. I know it is an important element of this schedule and while I have done a good job turning a blind eye to it thus far, I need to dive in. I spent the past hour looking for some strength training for arms, legs, and abs on youtube. While I had a good laugh wading through all the crap that is out there, I found some good clips that I feel comfortable doing in my own home. I have a gym at my apt complex, but it has the bare minimum and it is pretty tiny. Therefore, I am hoping to gather some sequences I can do in my apartment since I have the space. I have two 5-lb weights, a resistance band, and a small pilates ball; I think this will be enough to get the job done. Again, disclaimer: I don't want to turn into some hardcore busted muscle machine. I just want to tone and build strength to help in my running.

So point of the story here: please, if you wish, share your favorite in-home exercise with me! I would love some more links/ videos/ series/ suggestions/ ideas to add to my slowly building gallery of strength exercises. So please, share!!!

Also, I want to give a shout to one of my favorite inspirations: Mama Wants Her Pre-Baby Body Back! Annie and Scott are friends of mine from Nashville that inspire me in every sense of the word. Recently, Annie has branched out from her daily comical family blog to begin this manageable and motivating blog about sneaking a workout into even the busiest day. She is a real person, with real hurdles, and realistic suggestions. So not only do I want to share her information with others, but I want to thank her for the inspiration and support!