Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cute boys work at Fleet Feet

Just sayin'.

I went to Fleet Feet yesterday and got a foam roller. When I got home to try it out, I was amazed at how much it hurts! I rolled ONCE and immediately hopped off. I did not like it. But, it is supposed to be a huge help for IT Band issues, so I will suck it up and use it. I also ordered a better IT Band strap- I can't find anywhere that sells good ones around here. That should be coming in the mail tomorrow. $60 later, I am prepared to show my IT Band who's boss. I wont go down without a fight! Ahhh!

I ran 6 miles yesterday. At mile 4, I hurt. At mile 5, I hurt a lot. Not as much as I did on Sunday, not enough to make me walk, but enough to give me a noticeable swagger with my already t-rex like gate. Ice ice ice, stretch stretch stretch, I know the drill.

30 day ab challenge is going well. I am sore, but in a really good way! I hope that after these 30 days, I stick with it and continue this daily routine... Ha, I say that now.