Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let's fix this

I just now realized I don't have a countdown going... 52 days!

My friend Sarah read my previous post and came running (haha) to the rescue. She has had issues with her IT Band in the past as well, and she gave me some great advice. Thank you so much, Sarah!

I got an IT Band strap. Thank you to the helpful videos on YouTube for showing me how to put it on... yea, I am that clueless. Today was the first day I ran with it. I also took some ibuprofen before my run to help with any inflammation. From what I could tell, the band helped relieve the pain. It was feeling fine until about mile 3; around that time, I could feel just a dull pain, nothing bad at all. By mile 4, it was hurting a little bit more; uncomfortable, but not unbearable. So, I guess I get to wear that sexy black band on my left leg from now on. I also have lots of stretches to do (why is it so hard for me do be a disciplined stretcher?!) and I am going to get a foam roller tomorrow.

Hopefully now that I know what the problem is, I can nip it in the butt before it kicks me to the curb. I refuse to give up, but I also don't want to be in pain or hurt myself. I tackle another 6 miler tomorrow, wish me luck!