Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My forgetful mind

I got about .5 miles into my run yesterday when I realized I had forgotten to put my ITB Strap on (my mind has been in the clouds lately, what can I say!). I figured I would just keep going, but take it easy. Well, I was feeling kinda mad at myself for the terrible eating I did all weekend, so I pushed myself an extra mile even though I didnt want to press my luck with hurting my knee. So, I ran 5 miles without the strap. It started hurting a bit around mile 4, but it wasn't terrible! I am definitely going to continue to wear it as a preventive measure, but it is good to know that in a bind, if I dont have it, I can still survive a moderate distance.

My friend Rachel signed up to do the CM1/2 also! I am really excited! She has done a few races in the past and is in great shape, so I am excited to share some tag-team motivation for this race! Can't wait to see you, my friend!