Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Words of wisdom

Today (and last night) was just one of those days where you wonder if karma is just playing a big joke on you and enjoying watching you deal with the silliness it throws your way. Nothing bad, just plain silly. I swear, this city gets smaller and smaller with every passing day, and the trials and tribulations of my bumblings through life here get more comical as the clock ticks. I kid you not: if you are smart, you will begin jotting down the blunders of my life and making a movie. You will one day be a millionaire.

After this pure wave of silliness, a friend pointed something out to me that really hit me: When you're good with you, I guess it's just irresistible!

I had to read this about 10 times to fully understand what my friend was going for here, but when it hit, it was like a blue sky after a storm. Most of my life, I have put a great deal of effort into trying to get others to like me... so much so that I would overlook myself and doubt myself. Now don't get me wrong, I have done my fair share of trying to get others to like me over the past few months. But it wasn't until recently (well, more specifically, the past month or so) that I really have tried to just be content with who I am and where I am going. While I have put continued effort into relationships with others, I have begun to realize why past relationships have failed. I have realized that I really am amazing. I am awesome. I am intelligent, smart, and compassionate. I have become a lot more comfortable in my own skin... or in my friend's words, I have grown to be "good with me." And I deserve nothing but the best. I deserve equal and/or greater awesomeness. I refuse to accept anything less. This wave of self-confidence must be showing, because it is getting the attention of others. I have always heard that confidence is attractive, but I guess it is one of those things you must see to believe.

Anyway, yet another one of my more abstract ramblings that I throw out there every now and then. Point of the story: I am amazing, and don't you ever forget it.