Monday, April 18, 2011

11 mile run and 11 days left

11 mile run, WOW! I can't get over it! And the best part- it felt AMAZING! I got a little tired around mile 7, and my knees ached a little around mile 9, but nothing that couldt be overcome with a little positive self-talk. And thank you, Nate Dogg and Warren G- Retulators, for helping me through that last 1/2 mile =)

I have said it time and time again, but I cannot stress it enough- I have amazing people in my life, and this circle of inspiration is one of the most amazing feelings I have experienced. Another friend of mine, Joanie, has decided to get into running and take the ab challenge! Having someone say that I inspired them to change their life is a compliment that humbles me. I will honestly say that the changes I have made in my life are completely selfish and driven from my desire to improve my life; then to have them inspire others is above and beyond anything I could imagine. My intentions were for self-improvement, but having that grow and expand to helping others is such a great feeling! Good luck, Joan!

My friend Cirbey will be running the 1/2 Marathon next week also! And of course, Bruce and Rachel will be there as well. The excitement is building with every day! I can't wait!

Not sure if I have mentioned it, but yes, I am officially staying in Memphis for another year! Would you believe that THIS girl would grow to love and enjoy this city? So much has changed, and I am really excited for what this next year will bring! Now, just to find a roommate... help!

Now, of course I needed one more unsatisfactory run to remind me that this is still a real challenge and not something I can begin to take for granted. Todays run was, in a word, AWFUL. My iPod died after 2 song, I inhaled about 8 bugs, my head was pounding, my underwear were in complete wedgie formation and up my tush the entire time, and my stomach/intestines felt as if they were attempting to expel themselves from my body. I had the best intentions of making today a strong 5 mile run followed by abs and arms... but alas, it ends with a 2 mile desperate sprint, and some pathetic stretching. I am feeling so yucky- all I want to do is eat dinner, have a glass of wine, and go to sleep. So ya know what? That is what I am going to do. And as mad as I am for not doing what I had set out to do, at least I did something, right?