Sunday, April 24, 2011

the finish line will set you free

so if you wake up with the sunrise
and all your dreams are still as new
and happiness is what you need so bad
well, girl, the answer lies with you

This race is so much more than just a physical challenge for me. It is a symbol of the new person I have become. The past 7 months have been a long road of self-discovery, healing, and realizing where my true happiness lies. This race is the culmination of the soul-searching of the past 7 months. No, I am not done, and I still have much further to go. But I still feel that the moment I cross that finish line, it will be the definitive moment in this journey. It will be the moment I am truly free of my past, and I can confidently go forward in the direction of my dreams, my desires, my happiness, and follow where the universe leads me... I have come so far.

Well, here it is, just 5 days before the race! I am a ball of excitement and can't stop thinking about it... the anticipation is more than I can take! I am doing my best to keep my runs shorter and less intense, as I don't want to hurt myself. I want to make sure my body is healthy and restored. Still, I am realizing how addicted I have become to running- I think of only running 3 miles and I get slightly aggravated... I want to run more!

I have a wild week ahead and will be crazy crazy crazy busy, but hopefully that will make the week fly by so Friday morning will be here before I know it! I probably wont get to update before the race soooooo.... HERE GOES NOTHIN'!

I am ready...