Monday, April 4, 2011

9 miles of peace

Official results from the Opening Eyes to Autism 5k
Time: 25:53
9th place out of 219 females total
No age group break-down

I am really happy with my performance at this race. I am sure that, if nothing else comes of this challenge once the 1/2 marathon is completed, I will continue to run local 5k races, and maybe try to keep increasing my speed.

Saturday was my 9 mile run, and it was wonderful. Again, I ran slower than molasses, but felt good and I enjoyed it. The weather this past weekend was absolutely perfect and I was in a wonderful place mentally. I felt very at peace with my life. Lately I have been very anxious about where I am going, the big decisions that I am facing, and just what in the world I am supposed to be "doing" with my life. During the 2 hours of running I felt like I am where I need to be, and I am doing what I should be, and that I need to stop searching. It is hard to just be content with where you are and what you have, ya know?

Carrie sent me this quote... (Can you tell I am a quote/lyric junkie? Yea.)
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.
What do I want?