Friday, April 8, 2011

Some silly happenings

It has been a while since my last post. I have been terribly busy this week... I love being busy.

3 weeks until the race! I drift back and forth between excited and terrified about 137 times a day. I know I am capable, I know I am ready, but I am still anxious- but in a good way.

Over the past week, I have been great about staying on schedule, keeping strong with my training, and eating well. I have had some interesting runs, learned some hysterical lessons, and had some entertaining events occur, so I thought I would share them....

-Sunscreen is important. I may be like a cheetah out there, but I can't out run the sun. I have a stellar t-shirt burn line.

-I got pooped on by a bird. Enough said.

-Always remember: just because someone has a stop sign or a red light does NOT mean they will actually stop. Or even slow down. Assume all drivers are ignorant.

-No, creepy male drivers, it is NOT ok to slowly drive along side me, yell, whistle, and make obscene gestures. How do you expect me to react? Stop running, hop in the car with you, and ride off into the sunset living happily ever after? What are your intentions here?

-Memphis has a lot of dead birds on the sidewalk. I enjoy stepping on them. I really need to start paying attention.

-My startle reflex has a hair trigger.

-Sometimes it takes more than a polite "excuse me" to make the 4 obese, overly-chatty ladies that are taking up the entire sidewalk move and let you through. Sometimes it takes more than a loud "excuse me." Sometimes it takes more than tapping them on the shoulder. Sometimes it takes more than flailing and shouting.

-Even though I have my headphones in and I can't hear myself singing, other people can.

10 mile run this weekend! Wish me luck!