Monday, July 18, 2011

138 days...

My official marathon training schedule starts TODAY. Luckily, it is a cross-train day, I can do weights in my apartment when I finally get home around 9:00pm tonight. 

I am going to sign up for a few races during the course of my training:
-Sept 16: Cooper Young 4 miler
-Sept 18: UTHSC Centennial 5k
-Oct 2: Shelby Farms Green Line 1/2 Marathon
-Nov 12: I Run For The Party 1/2 Marathon (Nashville, TN)
...Hopefully these smaller goals and baby steps along the way will help keep me motivated!

Life has been insane lately. Lets talk about some of the things that have been pushing Amy over the edge lately, ok? Ok. Lovely. Lets begin...

1) The heat. Enough said.
2) Moving. (In the heat.) Granted, it is only across the apartment complex. And granted, I have 3 weeks to do it (well, now 1.5 weeks). But this has been a huge source of stress and frustration.
3) Work. Super excited for my new job, but my replacement for my old job has not started yet. So, for 4 more weeks, I get to do both jobs. Now everyone is being very kind and not pulling me in too many directions, but the anxiety and stress is building nonetheless.
4) That pesky GRE. I have to take it within the next 4 months. Just hearing those letters makes me want to vomit.
5) Um, more graduate school? Picking schools? Applying? Oh man, am I really putting myself through this again?
6) Family, family, family. Yup.
7) Friends, romance, travel, events, quality time, care packages, letters, emails, phone calls... social butterfly that I am, it is hard to balance everything.
8) My weight! AH! Talked about that earlier, you know the story. I know once I get running again, it will be fine, but still makes me bijiggity.
9) Money. It's the root of all evil today. (Name that song.) 
10) I seem to be losing focus and motivation a lot lately. My gung-ho, enthusiastic, go-get-em mentality has vanished. I seem to be getting lost in the mix of everything...

So that is the quick and dirty, in a nutshell list of things that are getting "in the way" of my training. The stress has turned me into, well, for lack of a better phrase, a psychotic bitch. But now that I have identified the problems, I can do my best to go forward, address each one as it is necessary, and manage everything. Right? Maybe? Possibly? Well... here's to hoping...