Friday, July 22, 2011

Attempting to beat the heat

How I have made it thus far without bringing water on my long runs is a mystery to me. I hydrate very well during the day (some say too well, haha)- I drink at least 100 FO daily. So maybe that helps. But, still, as my long runs get, well, longer, I knew I would have to invest in a water belt eventually. I already have an Amphipod waistpack (fancy runners way of bringing the fanny pack back into style) for gels, my phone, keys, etc. So I was not sure if I wanted to buy a whole new water belt, get a hand-held bottle, or what. I went over to Breakaway Running (my fav store, be still my heart) yesterday to check out my options. 

I ended up getting this great water bottle that can be added on to my current belt. It is 10.5 FO and has a click on-off mechanism to attach it to the belt (which may be kinda tricky, but I am sure it will be fine).

I also splurged and got myself a running hat. I have wanted one for a while, but it was not a purchase I could ever really justify. Well, now with this killer blazing summer sun, I see it as necessary. And cute.

My first long run will be tomorrow- 8 miles. No biggie, right? Let's hope. I simply can NOT do long runs on the treadmill, so I am going to get up at 5:30 and be on the road by 6:00 in a pathetic attempt to beat the heat. I really hope I don't melt...