Monday, July 25, 2011

Moving + Running

Change is hard. Even if it is for the best or for good reason, it can still bring up a lot of emotion. I moved out of my apartment this weekend. I have some pretty intense memories in this apartment. I worked so hard at making it MINE; a place I felt home, safe, and happy. I am really, really going to miss it...

Farewell, 31 Nottoway Blvd...

My 8 miler on Saturday morning was great. I set out around 6:15am and it was already terribly hot. But I really felt fine, and I realized how much I miss those long runs. It is a wonderful time to clear my mind, get some serious alone time, and to fill my lungs with some fresh air. I enjoyed it.

I was so excited to use my new water bottle... too bad it SUCKS. I guess my belt is too thin/narrow to support the weight of a 10.5 FO water bottle, because as soon as I put it around my waist, it sagged down to my butt. Even walking, it would bounce and bob and smack me in the back. So that purchase will be returned, and I am going to have to see what else I can find. Any suggestions????