Monday, July 11, 2011

Back in the saddle

I will be completely honest here: the months of May and June, I fell off the wagon completely. I barely ran. I ate horribly. I didn't drink water. I was a lazy, fat bum. And boy oh boy, does it show. Pants are tight again, I feel fluffy and bloated, and I look like crap. Sure, I can blame this on many external things (heat, eating out, job stress, life stress, etc), but the point is IT HAPPENED. So, today is the day, time to end this little joy-ride I've been on for the past 2 months and get back on the wagon.

I haven't been to WW since before the 1/2 marathon. I need to start going weekly again. I am still paying the monthly fee, so I need to get back with it. I love WW; I am a firm believer that it is an amazing lifestyle support system and it can and will produce results. But, just like with any "weight-loss" regimen, you can't just stop doing it once you get to where you want to be. It requires maintenance. It is a life-long process. I am not lucky enough to be one of those people that can just eat whatever, whenever, and keep a killer bod. It requires constant effort and control. So, today, I am jumping back in the saddle. Tracking, counting, portion control, weekly meetings, the whole shebang.

Speaking of maintenance, how 'bout that running? My whole theory of keeping a solid base of about 7-8 miles before my marathon training schedule begins mid-July really kinda didn't happen. At all. I think I ran 8 miles 1 day. I have had a few 3, 4, or 5 mile runs here and there, but nothing close to what I had planned. The heat is horrible. And again, excuses can fly, but the fact is I haven't kept up, and I am not happy with myself for that. I did not anticipate the heat being this big of a factor; I think I was in denial and overly optimistic about it. But, truth be told, it is just not healthy to run in a heat index of 110 degrees. I run at the indoor track with Maureen 1 day a week, but that is not enough. I need to get a water bottle to run with. I need to check out the UTHSC gym. I need to make the most of the treadmills at my apt complex. I can't let the heat get in the way of my training. 

So, today we start over. Put the past 2 months behind me and not let myself get discouraged for my poor health choices. I can do it. And I will.