Thursday, August 25, 2011

Accessories are a must!

Just because you are running doesnt mean you cant accessorize! Ok, so maybe a water belt isnt exactly a fashionable, trendy accessory...

I was long overdue to purchase a good water belt. The bottle I got to go on my Amphipod belt was a disaster, and I have had every intention of getting a better one since then, and just never did. But, with my pending 13 mile run this Saturday, plus the dehydration disaster of last weeks run, I felt it was necessary to get one. Yesterday on my lunch break, I went over to Breakaway Running and tried on everything they had. After 30 minutes of ho-humming and discussion with the sales associate, I made a decision. I got a Nathan 2 bottle belt. Each bottle holds 10oz. I went with the 2 bottle belt for a few reasons: 1) The 1 bottle belts hit my back in a weird place and felt funny. 2) The 4 bottle belts sat awkwardly on my hips and rubbed a bit. 3) I like the idea of 2 bottles- 1 for electrolytes, 1 for water.

I gave the belt a try yesterday on my 6 miler, just so I could get used to the fit and novelty of it. It was extremely awkward at first, and I couldnt find a good place for it to rest. If I set it at my low waist and hips, it would ride up immediately. If I set it at my natural waist, the bottles would hit my elbows as I ran and it would move around a with each stride. After about 10 minutes of adjusting and trial and error, I found a comfortable spot. It didnt feel like that much extra weight, really. And it kinda made me feel like a real, professional, badass runner. I'd say it was a successful purchase!

Saturday I am meeting up with a group of 5 other people to do a practice run through the St. Jude marathon course. Since I will only be doing 13 miles of it, I am going to meet the others at the half way point and run the last 13 with them. Should be a good time!

Oh, BTW....