Monday, August 22, 2011

12 miles, oh my!

Ashley and I set out early Saturday morning for yet another amazing run. It was a bit hotter this week, but we were thankful for the random cool breeze that kept us moving.

We started off the run by passing a prostitution bust- only in Memphis, right? We figured it could only get worse (or better?) from that point forward!

I was feeling fine until about mile 9. Then my body simply said, "Well, Amy, this has been nice and all, but I am ready to be done now, ok? Ok, thanks." My knees hurt, my hips hurt, I was exhausted, I was dying of thirst, and I was just overall not a happy camper. Now I know why all of the above happened, so spare your lectures. I didnt stretch enough. I didnt take any ibuprofen before the run. And, worst of all, I didnt bring any water on the run. Poor decisions all around. I know. Stop wagging your finger at me. Lessons learned.

Despite my string of poor decisions, I finished the run with a smile on my face. That was officially the longest distance I have run other than my 1/2 marathon- and man, let me tell you, that feels great! I run 13 next week, and from that point forward, each long run will be a tremendous milestone for me, as it will be the furthest distance I have ever run. I am looking forward to that little does of motivation each week- not that my motivation now is lacking, but it is always good to have more than enough to go around on those especially rough days!