Monday, August 15, 2011

11 miles, aint no thang.

Saturday morning I woke up to the most amazing thing ever... ready for this... drum roll please.... 75 degree weather! It was glorious.

I was joined on my 11 mile run by my friends Ashley and Paige. Ashley has done the St Jude's full marathon once before and was a huge inspiration in my decision to go for this insane goal. Paige is one of Ashley's friends from school, and she is training for her first 1/2 marathon- the Shelby Farms Green Line 1/2 on Oct 2nd (which Ashley, Maureen, and myself will be running as well!). I was slightly worried about running with 2 others for my long Saturday run; I am a big solo-runner and I really enjoy my "me time" on these mornings. But wow, let me tell you, these women are amazing. We got a great pace going and motivated one another to keep moving. I look forward to running with them again!

Next week will be 12 miles. That will mark the beginning of uncharted training territory for me- I have never run above 11.5 miles on my own (other than the 1/2 marathon, obviously). Let's hope for another cool morning!