Monday, September 26, 2011

17 mile run!

This past week was horrible. Just horrible. So when Friday at 5:00 came, I hit the restart button on my attitude, rebooted my karma, and started from scratch, determined to leave the negativity behind. And let me tell you, I had an absolutely beautiful weekend. I'm just gonna say it, I don't care if it is TMI, over-emoting to the public, or whatever else you may say- I have an amazing boyfriend and he makes me really happy :)

Friday night we went to one of the free shows at the Levitt Shell- a beautiful outdoor music venue in Overton Park. We went and got frozen yogurt, then sat on a blanket under the stars listening to bad, free, live music. It was my own little perfect heaven for 2 hours.

Saturday morning came way too fast, and before I was even awake enough to complete a sentence, I had set out on a 17 mile run. Ashley hurt her calf and is taking the week off, and Paige was out of town. So I hit the first 6 miles solo, then Maureen merged in for the last 11. I felt great and was going strong. When mile 17 hit, I honestly felt I could have kept going, and that is an amazing feeling. I am so proud of my distance runs- I cant begin to explain how great it makes me feel to accomplish something of this caliber. It is an amazing feeling, and I am very proud of myself!

I was feeling fine all day Saturday. I enjoyed a killer Clemson victory, ate yummy food, and shared some laughs with friends. I was a little sore here and there, but nothing I didn't think would pass with a good nights sleep and some ibuprofen.

Sunday morning brought a less than pleasant surprise. My right ankle is a mess. It is swollen and really painful. It's an acute pain in a spot right over the inner ankle bone. I favored it all day, iced it at night, and popped ibuprofen like candy. I am going to take it really easy this week and hope it is just sore from over-use. Fingers crossed it isn't anything more serious...

My first week back on WW was, well, NOT back on WW. As I mentioned earlier, I had a terrible week. And if there is one thing I am famous for, it is emotional eating. I did terribly, I know I did. I am going to face the music and still weigh in today, but I am not looking foward to it. At least I know where I went wrong so I can address it and move on.

This coming weekend is the Shelby Farms Greenline Half Marathon- I will be running it with Ashley, Paige, Maureen, Bruce, and a few others from the Thoroughbreds. It is going to be an awesome race and I am really excited for it, so I really hope my ankle gets over its little temper tantrum by then!