Friday, October 7, 2011

If you can look pretty when you run, you arent running hard enough...

Snap Shot #1- Look at us all happy and cute. Must be mile 1.

Snap shot #2- unattractive, but not breaking any mirrors. Todd had just zoomed by on his  bike, so I offer a "Yea Buddy!" to thank him for the support as I sip on my water from the last station.

 Snap shot #3- Literally 2 seconds after photo #1, but a complete transformation. I belong in a horror movie. This is epic. There are no words...

 Snap shot #4- OK, looking better. Happy. Smiling. Dont have 927 chins. And I believe the man behind me is looking right at my ass. Hey, I'm OK with that.

 Snap shot #5- Again, pretty happy. So is Paige. Actually enjoying ourselves? Must have been taken early on in the race.

Snap shot #6- I love us.
Snap shot #7- Sweet Jesus, is that really what everyone sees when I cross the finish line?! T-REX ARMS IN FULL EFFECT, BABY! RAAARRRHHHHGGG!!!!!!!