Monday, November 14, 2011

OK, fine. I LIED.

I will just get right to the point here: I ran.

I KNOW! I KNOW! I promised I wouldn't! But hear me out, ok?

I had every intention of going to Bikram today- until I was leaving work to head there and realized I forgot my towel and mat. Yes, I know I can rent them from the studio, but sorry love, there is no way this germaphobe is going to use a community towel and yoga mat from a Bikram studio. Not gonna happen.

I thought I could just head to the gym instead, but I only had yoga clothes with me, and I wasn't about to go hit the weight machines in Shakti shorts and a tiny little tank top. Though I am sure I would have turned some heads...

So of course my mind wandered down the restricted path of... "well, maybe, I could, ya know... go for a little... run? maybe? just a little jog? maybe stretch out the old legs? maybe just... maybe just a little mosey through the park? just a mile or two?" (Said very much in the voice of Stewie from Family Guy when he asks Brian how his novel is coming... and if you do not know what I am referencing, you make me very sad.)

I have been on the brink of a complete meltdown without running, so it didn't take much to completely rationalize all common sense telling me to not do it.

So, I dusted off the old Brooks, and head out for a 5k...

Hey there, old friends! How ya been?

It was unseasonably warm, around 70 degrees. Very windy, which I love. I took it easy, kept myself at a 10:30 pace, and focused a lot on my form. My right ankle hurt, but not a lot. And really, I was more distracted by the fact that 1) my entire body was protesting, 2) I could barely breathe, and 3) despite #1 and #2, I was so incredibly happy to be running again. I even enjoyed the lovely (sarcasm) smell of the Mississippi River, and the cat-calls from the dirty Memphians driving by.

Now I am home, taking care of my dysfunctional tendons:

Elevation + compression socks + ice pack + praying to the ankle gods

I just don't understand how, after a full 2 months of care, unconditional love and attention, rest, money, and pep talks, my ankles can STILL be protesting... it just makes no sense! I want new ankles, please. Can I trade these ones in for an upgrade?