Sunday, November 27, 2011

What a pain in the neck... literally.

Yesterday morning, I woke up and my neck said, "Ya know what? I am sick of your ankles hogging all the attention here! I want to be in the spotlight! My turn!" And it them proceeded to completely throw itself outta whack and toss me into the most extreme pain. I am completely crippled-- I cant move my neck at all, and even the smallest movement sends shooting pain down my right leg and right arm. 


Oh, and the best part: only 5 days till the race! DOUBLE AWESOME.

So, for the past 2 days, I have had to axe my ambitious "solo-holiday-to-do" list. Instead, I have been laid up on my couch trying to find a position that minimizes the shooting pain. I have been reduced to laying here miserably, watching awful romantic comedies on cable. FYI: the movie "27 Dresses" only makes the pain of throwing out your neck WORSE. 

I am going to find a chiropractor tomorrow and beg for an appointment ASAP. As if I am not worried about this marathon enough, ya know...?