Sandra said this during one of the final postures last night. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It applies to Bikram, yes, but also to life in general. It has been like a song stuck in my head for the past 12 hours- I can't get it out.
First, Bikram. I am so happy with where I am at. I have moved past comparing myself to others and being upset by their perfection. I am doing well, making progress, and enjoying it. I am in a good place.
So now the deeper interpretation... Life. I always try to make the most of my environment. However, the past 2 years have been tough. For reasons I am sure you can understand, Nashville has been a bit of a test for me. I have stuck it out, due to some inner strength that I cant really seem to locate. There have been times when I have literally had my bags packed and my car in drive, but something has told me to stay, to push through the hard times, and to not let this city get the best of me. I have stuck it out, and I cant help but think this was all meant to be. I was meant to be tested, meant to stay here, and meant to find Bikram. Maybe if I had moved somewhere else, I wouldnt have found Bikram; if I had, maybe it wouldnt have been the same experience. I always try to believe that everything happens for a reason, even the things that seem to completely break your soul at the time (and linger for 2 years). So back to the main theme here- wherever you are is a good place to be. Maybe Nashville isn't 100% bad after all. I will have this experience to take with me. Also- sometimes I get very sad because my friends and family are not with me physically. So I often think "wherever my friends and family are is a good place to be." But, my friends and family are always in my heart and with me, even if they are in South Africa, Chicago, SC, NY, NJ, or roaming around Europe. So wherever I am, they are still with me, and therefore, it is a good place to be.
Wow, hello disclosure. Sorry about that.
Class went well last night. I really enjoy bow pose: