Wednesday, April 14, 2010

16 in/ 14 out

A bit of a blah day- the whole day in general. I was just in a yuck mood- all I wanted to do was go play in the sunshine and read. Everything anyone said to me would make me mad or offend me, and I probably should have just put some headphones in and gone into my own world. Oh well.

I knew from the beginning that it was going to be a rough session. I felt dizzy the minute I stepped into the studio heat, and that usually doesnt happen. By the 5th posture, a posture that I struggle with, but greatly enjoy (standing bow pulling pose, pictured below- again, this is the ultimate goal, I am not even close to this), I was so nauseous and dizzy that I felt like I was going to be sick all over my mat. I took it easy for the entire class, sitting out of a few postures and not pushing myself very hard at all. It was awful. I think it was the sushi I ate for lunch. One of the guys at work, Jeff, knows that I love sushi (yea, hypocrite vegetarian that still eats sushi- I know) so he always brings me his leftovers from his big client meetings at Hanabi. He brought 2 huge boxes back for me yesterday. I didnt know what half of it was (which is sometimes best when it comes to sushi) but ate my fill and enjoyed every bite. Probably not the best idea. I noticed after class that I had a huge red, raised, bumpy rash on my right leg. I have a feeling it was a reaction to some of the sushi I ate, which would also explain the nausea. Oh well, lesson learned, no mystery sushi for me anymore. I went home, showered, at a piece of toast, and went to bed. I am feeling a little bit better today, and the rash is finally gone. I am glad yesterday is over. I am ready for today to be a bit better, and less stomach-turning.

(Random thought from a new student in class- he struggled in his first class on Monday, but still came back for his 2nd session yesterda: "95% of life is just showing up." Something to think about...)