Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 31

First of all, I want to thank you all for your praise and comments regarding the completion of my 30 day challenge. You all have filled my heart with such joy, and I love each and every one of you for it.

I am going to share something one of my wonderful friends wrote to me in response to my journaling because it really touched me. "...the blog as a whole is a great expression of the general ups and downs of life that we all go through...sometimes I get too narrowly focused on my own problems and I start feeling sorry for myself--but eventually I remember that everyone has problems and everyone has ups and downs, and knowing that helps a lot to keep things in perspective. This blog is a good reminder of that." I have beautiful people in my life.

Yesterday was a true test of my focus. There were many people I did not recognize- people that dont come regularly or are new to our studio. To my left: Miss I-refuse-to-put-my-hair-up-so-instead-I-will flip-it-around-in-the-most-obnoxious-manner-possible. To my right: Miss I-drop-the-eff-bomb-during-every-posture-and-throw-a-hissy-fit-ever-30-seconds. In front of me: Miss I-refuse-to-listen-to-the-teacher-and-I-am-going-to-do-whatever-I-want-and-flop-around-like-a-fish-on-the-sand-and-flail-my-arms-around-constantly. If the combination of those three ladies doesnt offer complete distraction, I dont know what would. I am proud at how well I managed to keep focus on myself (while hair, arms, and profanity was being thrown across the room like a game of dodge ball). I did well. But I did think about something quite a bit during these 90 minutes with these 3 strange ladies... These 90 minutes are 90 minutes of pure mindlessness. I mean that in the fact that for 90 minutes straight, I do not have to think. I can listen to the teacher- she tells me exactly what to do. Every move to make. I dont have to think one bit, except about my inhale and exhale. This is a welcome break from the race my mind runs daily. So here is my thought- why would you go in there and not listen? Not only is this potentially harmful (do the postures wrong and you can hurt yourself!), but it is distracting to others to have you flail, and it is disrespectful to the teacher. And why would you blow off this perfect opportunity to turn off your mind and let someone else do the thinking for you for a bit? If you dont need to listen, why come? If you think you know how to do it so well, why do you need a teacher? Why not stay home and do it on your own?

Well hello there, Thursday morning rant. How are you?