Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 32

I really enjoy many of the people that take classes at this studio. I had the pleasure of talking with a few of them before and after class, and they are such wonderful people. I was even able to offer one a "much needed pep talk." There was a very happy vibe throughout the room last night- even Sandra commented on it.

I went into class a bit cranky- I had a bunch of errands to run before class which got me a bit flustered and irritated. I got to class about 15 minutes early and had just enough time to finish 'Eat, Pray, Love' before I had to get inside to change. I am very grateful that I had the time to do this, because it really brought me out of my traffic-fighting, cant-find-what-I-need-at-the-store, "no-you-cant-return-that-item-without-a-receipt" rage. It is such a beautiful book; if you have not read it, please do. So I was able to salvage my mood and go into class with a more positive mindset.

Happy Friday!