Day 39: There is no greater compliment in the world than, "Beautiful Triangle, Amy!"

Day 40: On Saturday morning we went out to help a friend who's home was greatly effected in the flood. We spent several hours at his home, helping in any way we could. The scene was devastating. I was lucky enough to have no damage to my home during the flooding; I have seen a lot of coverage on the news, but have seen very little up close and personally. As we pulled into his community, my heart broke- it was shocking. Words cant even describe the scene- I thought of including a picture in this blog, but even that wouldn't do it justice. However, it was amazing how many people were there helping, supporting, and doing whatever they could to help these people in need. It was a sobering sight. I went to yoga right after we finished up helping, and it was almost like I could have used a debriefing session. I spent the whole 90 minutes thinking about what I saw, how tragic that must have been for those people, what else I can do to help, and how I would have tried to cope of that happened to me. It didn't help that I had barely had any water to drink all day, so I was beyond dehydrated, causing me to get extremely dizzy and nauseous. I was not in a good place, mentally or physically, and it showed. I sat out of several postures, and half-assed the rest. After class, I hadn't even made it to the car yet, and I broke down. I couldn't stop crying. I cried so hard it hurt. My heart was breaking for those people. And those emotions brought on so many other personal emotions, and I just cried.
Day 41: I felt much better on Sunday. I let myself be sad and process the emotions I was feeling on Saturday, and I took much better care of my body. I still struggled a bit- I feel like I have reached a plateau, both mentally and physically. I feel like I am getting worse in several postures. I am sure this happens often, and I am trying to not let it get to me, but it is a bit disappointing. But I also must remember that I have done so well over the past 40 days, and that I have come so far. Taking 1 step back is not going to bring me back to where I was 40 days ago. As always- I just need to listen to my body, but still give honest effort.