Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 46, 47, 48, and 49! Whew!

Sorry if these entries are a bit short and lacking in detail. Again, another busy weekend- I didnt get a chance to update until just now. Enjoy!

Day 46: We had a guest teacher today, Connie. She is one of the Memphis teachers. I was really excited to talk with her before class. I told her that I may be moving to Memphis, and we talked about the studio there for a while. She was so nice! Class went well. I was still very focused on my correctly locked leg. Nothing too exciting to share from this class.

Day 47: Early Saturday morning class, ugh! It is tough to drag myself out of bed, but I always feel wonderful after class, so I make myself. Well, today was a bit different. Connie was teaching again. There were 25 people in class! That fills our tiny little studio to an uncomfortable limit. There was a very... odd energy flowing through the room. And there was a kid, about 15 years old, just behind me- it was her first time, and she kept flailing. It was extremely distracting. Several postures in, you could tell the entire class felt defeated. The heat was so extreme. I was dripping sweat like I never have. By the time we got to triangle, nearly the entire class was sitting out- only 2 people did the first set! Everyone else was either standing and panting or laying down and groaning. It was, without a doubt, miserable. Remember how I am so adamant on "every day can be a good day"? Yea, well, today was the exception. It was awful. 2 people left the room. Several were nearly throwing up. A majority sat out for most of the class- myself included. I just layed there, feeling worse than ever. During other classes when I felt yucky, it was usually for a reason that was within my control (I ate something bad, I was dehydrated, I was in a miserable mood), but this time, there was nothing I could do. All I could do was lay on my back and try to relax and force myself to breathe. The thermostat said 111 degrees when I left the room. After class, I spoke with the woman that was next to me, a woman that is amazing and has such fantastic discipline and form. She and I agreed that was the worst class either of us have been to. Hearing this coming from a weathered, respected, optimistic, non-complaining woman made me feel a bit better. Ugh.

Day 48: I was scared of Connie. I had planned to do a double on Saturday (I had to make up for missing a day when the studio was closed due to the flooding several weekends ago), but after that Saturday morning session, I was scared. On my drive home, I was trying to figure out when else I could make up that missed class. But then I thought to myself, "Why am I going to let her scare me? So what? It was hot, yes. It was tough, yes. But I can do it. Even if I just lay there for 90 minutes, I can do it. Dont let her get to you. She doesnt control me, my emotions, or my decisions. I can do it. Do it." So I sucked it up and went back again at 4pm for the evening class... and I am so glad I did! All in all, it was a great session.

There was however, another kid, this time 10 years old, right next to me. Again, major test of my focus. She was all over the place. She almost took me out several times. So here is my opinion of kids in Bikram... I think it is fantastic that parents want to get their children started early. I hope to share this practice with my children one day as well. However, I think you must prepare your children for what is to come. Tell them the heat will be extreme. Tell them there is no talking allowed. Tell them to take it slow and just do their best. Tell them to be careful. Tell them to be mindfull of others. Tell them to listen to the teacher and do do what she says- not following instructions may result in getting hurt! It is extremely disrespectful to bring your child in completely uninformed- not only to other students in the class, but to your child as well. This little girl was all over the places. She kept flapping her arms and shirt and saying "Mommy it is so hot!" She would spaz in and out of postures to an extent that I do not know how the child did not hurt herself- seriously. She was falling to the ground, and as I mentioned before, nearly knocking me over as she got bijiggity all over the place. It was terrible! The floor series was a bit better (since she couldnt fall everywhere). Yes, I am proud of her for being only 10 years old and making it through the full 90 minutes, but it was a disaster. So there is my opinion on childhood Bikram. Take it or leave it.

Day 49: Oh what a wonderful day! Caroline was teaching today. She usually teaches the morning sessions, so I have not yet had the joy of being her student. I will be honest- she was intimidating at first. She is very tall and very fit- she has a very demanding presence in a room. Nonetheless, I was looking forward to experiencing yet another new teacher. It was, by far, one of the best classes I have had thus far. (I love that I have said that several times... it just keeps getting better!) The heat didnt effect me one bit. In fact, I almost felt chilly several times. My postures were beautiful- not perfect, but my effort was spot on. My focus was amazing, and I was so incredibly disciplined. I felt such pride in my practice today. I left felling full and rejuvenated- and ready for the week. Thank you, Caroline!