Life has a way of fixing itself when you are in need. I've mentioned this before- the universe will provide. And I tried to keep that in the front of my mind over these past few gloomy, foggy days. Of course, my worries were addressed.
My friends are wonderful. Sometimes I forget, since they are so far away, but I know I am always in their hearts (as they are in mine) and though we may not talk for a while, the love is unconditional and beyond a necessary weekly phone call.
Sandra has a 6th sense, I swear. Class was full, and I went in feeling strong. I was giving each posture my all- not just going to where I am comfortable of capable. About half way through class, Sandra shared an antidote. She was at her recertification course this past week. On her 3rd day there, after having already participated in 3 classes, she could not make it through her 4th- she had to sit out, and eventually leave the room. It just goes to show that even someone who has been practicing (and certified!) for years has rough days. Nobody is perfect- we all have reoccurring "first days." While at first glance, this may be more of a depressing thought, it really lifted my spirits. She kept reminding us that as long as we are giving our all, we are successful. Listen to your body, and take it day by day. Bikram is not a practice that can be judged based on accumulated time. It is looked at on a daily basis- day by day- class by class- as individual instances.
Half moon is so uncomfortable for me. I am progressing very well at the back bending portion, as well as forward bending, but the side to side, crescent stretching (pictured above) is just plain uncomfortable. It is consistently uncomfortable from day to day. I go in with the mentality mentioned above- each day is different, so have no expectations- but no matter what mindset I have, I struggle with the side stretching. My body shakes, my inner area being squished together hurts, and my breathing is a mess. It is well known that the postures that are hardest for you are the ones that your body needs the most. I guess I need some more half moon in my life...!

OK, another insane busy day at work, I must go.