Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 57

Everyone has their first day. (And for many of us, we have several first days... or at least feel like it!) I know how it feels to be new and have no idea what I am getting myself in to. I know what it feels like to be told what to do and still have no clue where to put your hands, how to turn your hips, or what "lock the knee" means. I know how it feels to be hot. I do not, however, have patiece for rude, inconsiderate, annoying people. Today, class was packed. I dont necessarily mind that. However, when 7 of the 30 people in class are new young girls, I get a little flustered. They giggled, talked, complained, pointed at others, and being outright disrespectful to Sandra. They were in a line behind me, so I put 100% effort into focusing on myself- tunnel vision into my own eyes in the mirror. It really made me question how I would handle a situation like that had I been the teacher. My thoughts initially went to: "I would ask them to leave! How dare they disrespect this studio!" But that is my typical jump-to-conclusions mind for ya. Being a teacher must really test your compassion, patience, and dedication to sharing this practice with even those that are blatantly disrespectful. Just a thought.

My practice was wonderful. The heat was intense, as there were so many people in the room, so I felt a bit dizzy from time to time. I had a killer locust, which I am really proud of. Just when I begin questioning my progress, I make just the slightest, smallest change in a posture and my faith in my progress is restored. I felt great.