Sunday, December 12, 2010

let no one steal your peace

I was talking with one of my best friends on the phone yesterday and she said something that made me feel wonderful. She said, "Amy, I am so proud of you. You will do this. When you put your mind to something, you accomplish it. So may people say they will do things, then quit. You always follow through."

I've had some frustrating stuff going on in my life lately, and that is party why I decided upon this challenge. I would be lying if I didn't say that part if my drive is simple distraction. Sometimes, life just gets so intense that you need a vacation. This is my means of forcing myself to have at least a 20 minute vacation daily. As was with Bikram, this is MY time. This is my opportunity to focus on myself, my self improvement, my growth, and my happiness. There are several things in my life that are toxic and are breeding negativity. I vow here and now to 1) remove those things that I am capable of removing, and 2) doing my best to guard myself for the negativity I cannot avoid. I don't need such things in my life bringing me down. I will let no one steal my peace.

Today will complete the 1st week of my training. It was rather simple and manageable, and I am thankful for that. Right now, my only concern is the weather. I was really looking forward to getting outside this weekend (since it is already pitch black when I get home from work) and doing some road training. Unfortunately, it has been so terribly cold, windy, and rainy that the treadmill continues to have my name on it. Oh well. I am sure the sunshine will find its way to my street one of these days.

Well, time for some breakfast, then to the gym. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my friends!